Retro-modern Twin Nursery

Life completely changed the day I found out I was pregnant with twins. I was over the moon with excitement at the prospect of having two babies to love at once. I couldn’t wait to experience parenthood and see my husband be a daddy. We had been preparing our home for a family and it was finally about to happen in the most epic way. Two baby boys were on the way!!!

I have to be honest; pregnancy was rough. I suffered through the first 16 weeks with severe nausea and constant dehydration (a really bad combo), and having two rapidly growing babies meant I was always exhausted. I barely ate, let alone cook. I’d walk into the kitchen and my sense of smell was so sensitive that the smell of grout and paint from our recently renovated kitchen (blog entry to come) would send me head first into a toilet. The thought of cooking, or even standing in my kitchen, was completely out of the question for pretty much my entire pregnancy. Ironic for someone who loves to cook as much as I do, isn’t it? And that’s why I took the blog down almost immediately after I started it…

One of the best distractions I could enjoy was spending hours upon hours surfing through Pinterest. I obsessed over beautiful nurseries and planning the right setup for our babies.

One day I came across Little Hands wallpaper while searching for retro/whimsical/classic nurseries, and I immediately fell in love. Their designs are magical. I was more than willing to make the investment because I knew the mural would be with the boys for a long time, and it was something everyone would enjoy. We chose the Amelia Earhart III design and put in our order. Once it arrived we had it professionally installed and the result was exactly what I expected… and absolutely breathtaking!

I built the design of the nursery around the mural, keeping the decor fairly simple and minimal since I didn’t want anything distracting from the beautiful scene.

Christopher’s only request was that we incorporate an area to put lots of books so that we could read with the kids every day. I found this white bookshelf on sale at Target, and the awesome mirror above it during one of my prop-shopping missions months before for a steal at $20!!! The mirror goes perfectly with the look and feel of the nursery, and frankly, it’s one of my favorite items in the room.

I then searched for a dresser that would last the boys past their childhood, and what I found was a piece that I will most likely steal if they grow out of love with it. We found the aqua-green dresser at an antique shop in downtown Martinez, and I knew that it would be a perfect storage and changing table combo. We decided to remove the closet doors and use the space to feature the dresser and floating Ikea shelf, and we still have enough space to hang the boys’ clothes. Eventually we will probably get the boys really cool bunk beds and move the dresser in order to convert the closet back into storage space.

There are still areas of the nursery that I want to decorate, and I will continue to do so over time as I learn more about Lucas and Lorenzo’s personalities and the things that they like. At least for now they have a pretty good idea of their mommy and daddy’s sense of style and what we wanted them to enjoy when we brought them home.