Yucca Gnocchi in Cilantro Garlic Sauce

Memories of my bachelorette party seem distant now that we have twin babies and have established a family life. But I remember my small crew being incredibly frustrated with me because rather than spend time getting ready for a fun night out, I decided to spend “a little time” making gnocchi for the crew. Sometimes when you’re about to party your tushy off, you need something that’s going to stick to your soul so that you can find it the next morning. So I made potato gnocchi from scratch, and after everyone got over the delay, we all sat down and enjoyed my favorite little dumplings.

The basic ingredients to gnocchi are potato, flour and egg. You can swap out the potato for almost any other starch and get creative: sweet potato, taro root, purple yam, etc. So I got a little creative with this recipe and made Yucca gnocchi.

What is Yucca? It is a root vegetable commonly consumed in Caribbean and West African cuisine. It has a waxy exterior that is easy to peel once you get a knife underneath it (use a pairing knife for more control). In the Dominican Republic we eat these boiled with stewed onions, mashed like potatoes, and even fried like french fries. The latter can be eaten with a garlic-cilantro “mojo”, which is an oil based sauce that really brings these to life.

The trick to making good gnocchi is to make sure that your yucca is NOT too moist. I recommend spreading your boiled yucca on a baking sheet and letting cool down and air out as long as it takes so that your mixture is not too moist. If it’s too moist, the gnocchi will be tough and may sink instead of rise when boiling them.

After you’ve mixed your dough, be sure to let it rest. I like to let the dough sit at room temperature before I cut into it, especially if I’m going to make everything on the same day. If you refrigerate your dough, be sure to let it rest on the counter for at least 30 minutes.

And it’s ok if you don’t have a fancy tool to shape your gnocchi… remember that this is a peasant dish and that was more likely that the grooves were pressed using a fork. The grooves are a way for the sauce to stick to the gnocchi. It also makes them look pretty!

The sauce for this dish is extremely simple. I love the idea of a Mojo-cream sauce. Meaning, taking that garlic-cilantro flavor that works so well with Yucca and pairing it with cream and Parmesan cheese. The result is truly comforting and delicious. You have the option of topping this with a butter-panko blend, and baking it in the oven for a crispy texture.





  • 1 lb. yucca 1-2 medium yucca
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 large egg beaten
  • 2 cups flour divided
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 3 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1/4 cup cilantro diced
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup Parmesan cheese



  1. To make the gnocchi:
  2. Peel and boil the yucca in salted water. Boil until fork-tender, but making sure the yucca doesn’t over-boil and fall apart. Drain the water and lay yucca pieces on a flat baking sheet to allow to cool for approximately 10-15 minutes.
  3. After the yucca has cooled, puree using a food mill/ricer or potato masher. Make sure mixture is completely smooth. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. In a large mixing bowl, place the yucca and 1 cup of flour. Stir just a few times, then make a well in the center for the whisked egg. Using a wooden spoon, carefully incorporate the mixture, being careful to not over-mix. I like to stir up to 10 times then I transfer the mixture to a floured surface.
  5. Tighten the mixture into a mound at the center of your surface. Ensure to work with plenty of flour on your hands and surface, and begin to knead the dough. Add a little bit of flour at a time until the mixture does not stick to your hands, yet is fluffy and airy. The trick is not to over-knead. Form into a large ball, then cut into four even pieces. Wrap each in plastic wrap then allow to sit at room temperature up to an hour.
  6. Turn dough balls into a floured surface. Roll each into logs, then cut into half-inch pieces. Press each piece with a fork to make grooves, then with finger to make an indent. Drop gnocchi into boiling water in small batches. Remove immediately from water once they rise to the top. Drain excess moisture in strainer before adding to cream sauce..
  7. To make the sauce:
  8. In a medium size skillet set over medium heat, melt the butter and add garlic and spices. Cook for about one minute, until slightly aromatic.
  9. Add the cream and Parmesan cheese. Stir to combine until cheese melts. Add cilantro last, then spoon in drained gnocchi. Serve warm.

One response to “Yucca Gnocchi in Cilantro Garlic Sauce”

  1. Allan Lugaw Avatar
    Allan Lugaw

    This would work for bachelor parties as well. Perfect meal after a round at the golf course.