Chai Spiced Cheese Flan

It wouldn’t be a Caribbean holiday without flan. It is creamy, sweet, smooth, and it was a gateway dessert for me after we arrived in the United States. It lead me to cheese cake, and creme brulee. Even though I should own stock at the Cheesecake Factory, I will always be loyal to my first love. Flan.

This is a very easy dessert to make, but a quick one to ruin as well. All ingredients, except the sugar for the caramel, go into a blender. The caramel is easy, but you have to be careful not to let it overcook and burn as it can happen very quickly. I find that the trickiest part of the whole thing is getting flan in and out of the oven without any major spills. I still haven’t mastered this part…

With this version I decided to spice it up a bit. It is not a typical thing to do with flan, but I recently saw a few Chi Spiced desserts and I thought this twist could definitely work with flan. Guess what? It did! The spices are not too over powering, and they work well with the creamy texture.

2 responses to “Chai Spiced Cheese Flan”

  1. Mariellen Burdett Avatar
    Mariellen Burdett

    I remember your delicious flan you made for us in your teenage years! So proud of the beautiful woman, wife, mommy that you have become!

  2. Marissa Gomes Avatar
    Marissa Gomes

    I love this fun twist! Looks tasty!